Council meeting highlights for September 7-8, 2017.
September 7, 2017
- The following Council members were elected by Council to the Executive Committee:
- Shelley Hale, RSSW – President
- Thomas Horn, RSW – Vice-President
- Déirdre Smith, Public Member – Vice-President
- Judy Gardner, RSSW – Executive Member
- David Hodgson, Public Member – Executive Member
- Lisa Seburn, RSW – Executive Member
- Council reviewed a report from past President Beatrice Traub-Werner, RSW.
- Reports were received from the following statutory committees: Executive; Complaints; Discipline; Registration Appeals; and Fitness to Practise.
- Reports were received from the following non-statutory committees: Standards of Practice; Election; Nominating; Finance; Governance; Corporations; and Titles and Designations.
- Council received training from Crowe Soberman LLP regarding financial reports and Council responsibilities.
September 8, 2017
- Council approved the recommendations of the Nominating Committee respecting the composition and chairmanship of statutory and non-statutory committees.
- Lise Betteridge, RSW, Registrar, and Laura Sheehan, Deputy Registrar, presented their report to Council. The report provided updates on communications and social media; the upcoming Educational Forums; the extension of the funding for the Social Workers and Social Service Workers Professional Development Fund; stakeholder outreach; ongoing developments with respect to the controlled act of psychotherapy; registration and membership statistics; employer roundtables; the database upgrade; and an overview of the College’s ongoing strategic priorities.
- Council reviewed the Statement of Financial Position as of June 2017.
- Council reviewed the Statement of Operations for June 2017.
- Council reviewed and approved in principle the 2018 Budget and Workplan.
- Jim Dunsdon presented his Council Evaluation Report to Council.
- Council reviewed and approved Bylaw 102, amending Bylaw 2.
- Council reviewed and approved Bylaw 103.
- Council reviewed the report from the 2017 Annual Meeting and Education Day.