The Professional Practice Department provides thousands of practice consultations every year. Most commonly, College registrants contact the Department with practice inquiries; however, employers and clients do so as well. These interactions offer unique opportunities to hear about client experiences and their perspectives on service delivery. These Practice Notes explore several recurring themes that have emerged from the Department’s conversations with clients. Clients will reach out to use Professional Practice staff as a sounding board. Clients may contact the Department to express concerns about the services they have received, to provide feedback, or to learn more about common or typical practices when working with College registrants.
READ MORE "%s"Practice Notes
Practice Notes is an educational tool designed to help Ontario social workers, social service workers, employers and members of the public gain a better understanding of recurring issues dealt with by the College’s Professional Practice Department and Complaints Committee that may affect everyday practice. The notes offer general guidance only and College registrants1 with specific practice inquiries should consult the College, since the relevant standards and appropriate course of action will vary depending on the situation.
READ MORE "%s"Practice Notes: Shattered Trust – The Sexual Abuse of Clients
In 2022, the College saw a disturbing rise in sexual abuse-related complaints. Sexual abuse is one of the most egregious ways that registrants can harm their client and breach their professional obligations. This trend is alarming and more must be done to prevent the sexual abuse of clients and ensure that registrants maintain professional boundaries.
READ MORE "%s"Practice Notes: Termination – Managing Clients and Moving Forward
Practice Notes is an educational tool designed to help Ontario social workers, social service workers, employers and members of the public gain a better understanding of recurring issues dealt with by the Professional Practice Department and the Complaints Committee that may affect everyday practice.
READ MORE "%s"Practice Notes: Navigating Conflicts of Interest
Conflicts of interest can arise in any profession but given the nature of service provided by social workers and social service workers, it is critical that any conflicts of interest are dealt with swiftly and ethically.
READ MORE "%s"Practice Notes: The Evolving Landscape of Electronic Practice
Download the PDF Practice Notes is an educational tool designed to help Ontario social workers, social service workers, employers and […]
READ MORE "%s"Practice Notes
Practice Notes is a regular feature in the College’s newsletter Perspective. It is designed as an educational tool to assist Ontario […]
READ MORE "%s"Practice Notes – To Report or Not to Report: When That Is the Question
Practice Notes is an educational tool designed to help Ontario social workers, social service workers, employers and members of the […]
READ MORE "%s"Practice Notes: Ethical and Competent Responses to Anti-Black Racism
Practice Notes is an educational tool designed to help Ontario social workers, social service workers, employers and members of the public gain a better understanding of recurring issues dealt with by the Professional Practice Department and the Complaints Committee that may affect everyday practice.
READ MORE "%s"Practice Notes: Administration of Naloxone
Practice Notes is an educational tool designed to help Ontario social workers, social service workers, employers and members of the public gain a better understanding of recurring issues dealt with by the Professional Practice Department and the Complaints Committee that may affect everyday practice.
READ MORE "%s"Practice Notes: ETHICS→A
Ethical Decision-Making Tool
Practice Notes is an educational tool designed to help Ontario social workers, social service workers, employers and members of the […]
READ MORE "%s"Practice Notes: Cultural Humility
A Commitment to Lifelong Learning
Practice Notes is an educational tool designed to help Ontario social workers, social service workers, employers and members of the […]