Watch the 2023 AMED Videos Online!

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers held its 2023 Annual Meeting and Education Day (AMED) virtually on June 13, 2023, with almost 2,600 registered attendees. 

We invite employers and their staff to watch videos of the AMED sessions on the College website and YouTube channel — the theme of which was Making the Connection: Professionalism, Accountability and Public Protection.

Employers are encouraged to share these practice resources with their social work and social service work staff members.

The 2023 AMED videos include the Annual Meeting and four educational sessions on a variety of topics such as the risk of harm and competence, mitigating boundary violations and preventing sexual abuse of clients. 

Please note: At the request of the keynote speaker, the keynote address was only made available during livestreaming and therefore cannot be accessed as a recording.

Continuing Competence Program (CCP)

The College’s Continuing Competence Program, also known as the CCP, ensures that social workers and social service workers are qualified, enhance their knowledge on an ongoing basis, and remain up to date in their practice throughout their careers.

College registrants have the ability to use a variety of learning opportunities, including the College’s AMED video recordings, towards the completion of their CCP.

For more information about the CCP, visit the College website.