The College is pleased to share the following information and resources to support members’ practice.
Increasing accessibility and ensuring equitable services for clients
As noted in the most recent issue of Perspective, the College shared key insights from its COVID-19 Impact Survey. With approximately 20% of the membership participating, the survey provided insights into the ongoing impact of the pandemic on members’ practice and identified areas where the College might enhance its practice support to members through the pandemic and beyond.
Accessibility and equity concerns
The survey noted a dramatic shift from in-person to electronic services because of the COVID-19 pandemic. It also highlighted concerns around accessibility and equity, and in particular, gaps in clients’ access to technology.
These technology barriers included the following:
- clients’ ability to engage in electronic practice;
- clients’ comfort level using technology; and
- availability of required equipment.
Providing clients with resources to access technology
The Ontario Association of Social Workers (OASW), in its role as a professional association, has developed a list of programs and services offering free to low-cost devices, access to the internet, and education on digital literacy. These resources are available on the OASW’s website under “Access to Technology” and accessible to both social workers and social service workers.
Access technology resources here
We would like to thank the OASW for providing these resources and for their ongoing support of social workers and social service workers’ practice.
Reminder: Continuing Competence Program
Participation in the Continuing Competence Program (CCP) is a condition of registration and one of the ways that members demonstrate their commitment to professional and ethical practice. While the College recognizes the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on members, all members (with the exception of those in the retired class of certificate of registration) are required to participate in the CCP. This includes those who are not currently practising, in the inactive class of certificate of registration, on maternity, parental or sick leave, or who registered late in the year.
Required readings
As part of the 2021 CCP, members are required to review – along with the Standards of Practice – the following practice resources:
- Ethical and Competent Responses to Anti-Black Racism
- But “They” Told Me To! Owning Your Professional Accountability
- Top 6 Considerations for Virtual Services
- Top 10 Considerations for Using Communication Technology in Practice
- Communication Technology Practices and Policies for a Digital World
For more information
Please visit the College website for more information on CCP learning activities, documents, evaluation, frequently asked questions and more. For all CCP-related inquiries, please contact the Professional Practice Department at