1. The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) is:
- The professional association for social workers and social service workers across Ontario
- The regulatory body for social workers and social service workers in Ontario
- The umbrella organization that oversees social workers and social service workers across Canada
- All of the above
CORRECT ANSWER The regulatory body for social workers and social service workers in Ontario
CORRECT ANSWER The regulatory body for social workers and social service workers in Ontario
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2. The College’s primary duty is to serve and protect the public interest. This is carried out by:
- Setting entry-to-practice requirements to ensure that only professionals with specialized educational qualifications are eligible for registration
- Setting, maintaining and ensuring that all members follow the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice
- Requiring members to engage in ongoing learning through the Continuing Competence Program (CCP)
- Maintaining rigorous complaints and discipline processes
- All of the above
CORRECT ANSWER All of the above
CORRECT ANSWER All of the above
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3. What is professional self-regulation?
- A regulatory model that typically requires members meet specific registration requirements, follow a code of ethics and/or standards of practice, and complete an annual competence or professional development program
- A regulatory model that promotes advocacy for the rights of social workers and social service workers across Ontario
- A regulatory model that provides social workers and social service workers with tools to advocate for social justice
- None of the above
CORRECT ANSWER A regulatory model that typically requires members meet specific registration requirements, follow a code of ethics and/or standards of practice, and complete an annual competence or professional development program
CORRECT ANSWER A regulatory model that typically requires members meet specific registration requirements, follow a code of ethics and/or standards of practice, and complete an annual competence or professional development program
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4. College Council is composed of:
- Seven elected social work members
- Seven elected social service work members
- Seven public members appointed by the Ontario Government
- All of the above
CORRECT ANSWER All of the above
CORRECT ANSWER All of the above
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5. Public members on College Council are appointed by:
- The Ontario Government
- The Minister of Children, Community and Social Services
- The Prime Minister’s Office
- The Mayor of Toronto
CORRECT ANSWER The Ontario Government
CORRECT ANSWER The Ontario Government
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6. The College’s Code of Conduct for Council members states:
- All Council members are required to sign the College’s Code of Conduct annually
- All Council members are responsible for applying an appropriate standard of conduct and acting in an ethical and professional manner
- All Council members shall act in accordance with the confidentiality provisions in the Social Work and Social Service Work Act, 1998
- All of the above
CORRECT ANSWER All of the above
CORRECT ANSWER All of the above
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7. Council members are not involved in:
- Developing policy
- Approving and monitoring the College’s annual budget
- Engaging in a strategic planning process
- Reviewing and approving all membership applications
CORRECT ANSWER Reviewing and approving all membership applications
CORRECT ANSWER Reviewing and approving all membership applications
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8. Statutory committees are those the College must have according to the Social Work and Social Service Work Act. Non-statutory committees are those the College Council may establish on an as-needed basis.
- True
- False
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9. The College has ____ statutory committees.
- One
- Four
- Five
- 10
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10. Select the incorrect answer. As part of its duty to serve and protect the public interest, the College is required to have a formal complaints process. Through this complaints process, the College has the following objectives:
- Receive and investigate complaints against members of the College
- Make referrals to the Discipline Committee and Fitness to Practise Committee
- Make decisions about penalties and disciplinary penalties
- Ensure fairness to both the individual making the complaint and the member who is the subject of the complaint
CORRECT ANSWER Make decisions about penalties and disciplinary penalties
CORRECT ANSWER Make decisions about penalties and disciplinary penalties
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11. The following committee can make decisions independent of Council.
- Executive Committee
- Nominating Committee
- Standards of Practice Committee
- Finance Committee
CORRECT ANSWER Executive Committee
CORRECT ANSWER Executive Committee
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12. Once Council has made a decision, all Council members, regardless of how they voted during the debate, are expected to:
- Explain that decision to interested parties outside of the organization
- Advise all members in their district of that decision
- Accept and support that decision
- Post that decision on their personal social media page
CORRECT ANSWER Accept and support that decision
CORRECT ANSWER Accept and support that decision
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13. Each year, Council members are required to attend four Council meetings held during the day, virtually or in Toronto. In addition, they also serve on at least two other Council committees.
- True
- False
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14. A statutory committee may meet or carry out its deliberations in camera. It may do so when information, for legal reasons, must remain:
- Unwritten
- Confidential
- Off social media
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15. As a candidate, your final step is to send the completed forms to the College by email, fax or mail. All documents must be received at the College by 5 p.m. (EST) on or before the date specified in the Call for Nominations package. Your package will include:
- Candidate’s Nomination Form
- Certificate of Validation Form
- Certificate of Quiz Completion
- Candidate’s Biographical Summary Form
- Candidate’s Statement
- Candidate’s Acknowledgement Form
- All of the above
CORRECT ANSWER All of the above
CORRECT ANSWER All of the above
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