The College is pleased to present the following updates and resources related to Professional Practice.
Reminder: Continuing Competence Program
Participation in the Continuing Competence Program (CCP) is a condition of registration and one of the ways that members demonstrate their commitment to professional and ethical practice. All members (with the exception of those in the retired class of certificate of registration) are required to participate in the CCP. This includes those who are not currently practising, in the inactive class of certificate of registration, on maternity, parental or sick leave, or who registered late in the year. Please be advised that the Registration Regulation (Regulation 383/00) made under the Social Work and Social Service Work Act gives the College the authority to suspend the certificate of registration of a member for non-compliance with the CCP.
The CCP is self-directed; a wide variety of learning activities can count towards the fulfillment of your learning goals. Please visit the CCP section on the College website for more information on learning activities, documents, evaluation and more.
Required Readings
As part of the 2020 CCP, you are required to review (along with the Standards of Practice) the following three resources:
- Practice Notes, “Cultural Humility: A Commitment to Lifelong Learning”
- Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action
- United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities: Save the Dates
Webinar: Supervision: The Cornerstone of Competence
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Noon–1 p.m.
Do you receive supervision? Are you considering becoming a supervisor? There are many factors to consider when exploring the topic of supervision. The College’s Professional Practice Department is pleased to announce it will be holding an educational webinar to address frequently asked questions from members on this topic on Thursday, March 12, 2020 at noon. This live webinar will provide members with valuable information on supervision including the following:
- How the Standards of Practice may apply
- Practical considerations
- Supervision strategies
- Useful resources
Stay tuned for more information on the upcoming webinar including registration details later this month.

AMED 2020
The College’s Annual Meeting and Education Day (AMED) will take place on Thursday, June 4, 2020 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in downtown Toronto. AMED will also be available via livestream to members throughout the province. This year’s theme is 20/20: Diversity & Change in Society & Practice. Look out for more details and our announcement of our keynote speaker in upcoming issues of Perspective and eBulletins.
Please contact if you have any questions related to this Professional Practice update.