Message from the Registrar and CEO: OCSWSSW Takes Steps to Address Increase in Sexual Misconduct-Related Complaints

What Employers Need to Know Over the past two years, the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers has witnessed a 107% increase in the number of complaints received related to sexual misconduct. This increase is deeply disturbing. It is also a call to action for employers of social workers and social service workers, who have an ethical obligation to address professional boundary violations if/when they become aware of them, and a legal…

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What Are Professional Boundaries?

The term “professional boundaries” is used to define the set of roles and expectations required of a College registrant in relation to their client. The College registrant has a professional obligation to maintain professional boundaries and ensure that the needs of the client are paramount at all times. In short, professional boundaries require a registrant to only have a professional relationship with their client.  When a registrant engages in conduct with a client that falls…

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What Employers Need to Know About Reporting Sexual Abuse to the College

As an employer you have a responsibility to report sexual abuse, or suspected sexual abuse, committed by your employees to the College. Employers are required to report the termination of a social worker or social service worker’s employment for reasons of professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacity – which includes sexual abuse. An employer must also file a report if it intended to terminate the registrant’s employment, but the registrant resigned before it could do so.…

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Names Registrants Must Use While Practising

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) has received a number of inquiries about registrants practising under a name that is different from the one they used to register with the College. The following information is intended to clarify what name a registrant must practise under, and how registrants can change or update their name(s) with the College. Requirement to practise using the name you used to register with the…

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Illegal Practitioner Criminally Charged

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (OCSWSSW) is advising Ontarians of an illegal social work practitioner who now faces criminal charges. Katayoon Masoumi Rad, also known as Kathy Masoumirad, Kathy Mehranian and Kathy M. Rad, has been practising illegally in Woodbridge, Ontario and fraudulently using the name and credentials of a former OCSWSSW registrant to provide social work services. The Durham Regional Police Services has charged Katayoon Masoumi Rad with fraud related…

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Employer Resources

Employers play an important role in helping the College fulfil its mandate of public protection. Click on the resources for employers of social workers and social service workers below to learn more. Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice Privacy Toolkit The Online Register Mandatory Reports Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Information for Employers Employer Quiz Perspective Newsletter For more resources, please visit the College’s new Resource Room.

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