Message from the Registrar and CEO: Professional Boundaries Campaign

As another winter turns to spring, I think about the cycles of our work at the College – as well as the constant of change. Outside, the weather warms and vegetation surfaces once again, yet the sun always rises. This will be my last message in Perspective. As many of you know, I have announced my retirement effective the end of July 2023. It has been a privilege to serve as the College’s Registrar and…

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“We Are Still Here” – A Woman’s Journey to Healing and Rediscovery

Content/trigger warning: The following article includes information about residential schools, violence against children, intergenerational trauma, systemic and structural racism and oppression and the ongoing impact of colonialism. Readers are encouraged to seek support if needed. Last year, Rita May Fenton stumbled upon her dream journal from 2012. She had a dream about living in a big house with many people coming to visit, called “The Healing Place.” “I’ve always wanted to have a teepee in…

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Practice Notes: Shattered Trust – The Sexual Abuse of Clients

Content/trigger warning: The following article includes information about sexual misconduct. Readers are encouraged to seek support if needed. Download the PDF Practice Notes is an educational tool designed to help Ontario social workers, social service workers, employers and members of the public gain a better understanding of recurring issues dealt with by the College’s Professional Practice Department and Complaints Committee that may affect everyday practice. The notes offer general guidance only and College registrants[1] with…

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What Are Professional Boundaries?

The term “professional boundaries” is used to define the set of roles and expectations required of a College registrant in relation to their client. The College registrant has a professional obligation to maintain professional boundaries and ensure that the needs of the client are paramount at all times. In short, professional boundaries require a registrant to only have a professional relationship with their client.  When a registrant engages in conduct with a client that falls…

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College Updates and Reminders

Save the Date for AMED 2023! The College’s Annual Meeting and Education Day (AMED) will take place on Tuesday, June 13th. This year’s theme is Making the Connection: Professionalism, Accountability and Public Protection. The keynote speaker, Zelda La Grange, will present on her two decades of working closely with Nelson Mandela in post-Apartheid South Africa, reflecting on the connection to Canada’s journey towards reconciliation and inclusion. There will also be four educational sessions that will…

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Council Meeting Highlights for March 1, 2023

John Fleming, Council Chair, provided his report to Council. Council received an update from Stacey Hardy-Chandler, CEO of the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) and Siu Ming Kwok, President of the Canadian Council of Social Work Regulators, regarding entry-to-practice exams. Lise Betteridge, RSW, Registrar and CEO, and Denitha Breau, Deputy Registrar, presented their report to Council. The report provided updates under each strategic priority in the College’s Strategic Plan and included information about the…

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Council Meeting Highlights for December 1, 2022

John Fleming, Council Chair, provided his report to Council. Lise Betteridge, RSW, Registrar and CEO, and Denitha Breau, Deputy Registrar, presented their report to Council. The report provided updates under each strategic priority in the College’s Strategic Plan and included information about the following: registrant-base data including a breakdown of registrants; registration stats over the last year as compared to previous years; an update on the College’s CRM software upgrade; the Professional Practice Department’s continued…

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Discipline Decision Summary – Essa Rageh Egal

The College publishes summaries of decisions of the Discipline Committee and/or provides links to full-text, neutralized versions of its decisions. Information that is subject to a publication ban or that could reveal the identity of witnesses or clients, including the name of the facility, have been removed as necessary, or have been anonymized. As of January 2019, decisions are also available via the Canadian Legal Information Institute (CanLII). By publishing decisions, the College endeavours to:…

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Discipline Decision Summary – Harrison Mungal

The College publishes summaries of decisions of the Discipline Committee and/or provides links to full-text, neutralized versions of its decisions. Information that is subject to a publication ban or that could reveal the identity of witnesses or clients, including the name of the facility, have been removed as necessary, or have been anonymized. As of January 2019, decisions are also available via the Canadian Legal Information Institute (CanLII). By publishing decisions, the College endeavours to:…

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