What Do Children’s Aid Societies Need to Know about New CYFSA Privacy Obligations?

Three situations in which CASs may be and/or are required to disclose information to the College When may and when must a Children’s Aid Society provide information, including personal information, to the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers without the consent of a child and/or their parents? On January 1, 2020, new privacy obligations for Children’s Aid Societies (“CASs”) become law. These obligations are set out in Part X of the Child,…

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Online Register Submissions Have Doubled. What Employers Need to Know.

On March 1, 2019, the College launched its first-ever public awareness campaign, “What’s in a name?” The campaign promotes awareness of the College and the Online Register of social workers and social service workers in Ontario. It also reinforces the College’s ongoing mandate to protect the public interest through the campaign’s full tagline, “What’s in a name? Protection for you.” (more…)

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Open Discussion a Highlight of Kingston Employer Roundtable

The College held an Employer Roundtable in Kingston on October 10, 2019, which was well-attended by employers from the Kingston, Belleville and Hastings areas. As part of the College’s employer outreach initiative, the biannual Employer Roundtable is an opportunity for employers to learn more about the College and its public protection mandate, to share their ideas about how the College can better support employers, and to discuss some of the challenges faced by employers of…

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Members Must Declare CCP by Year-End

Organizations that hire College members employ professionals who are accountable for their practice and are dedicated to ongoing professional development. The College’s Continuing Competence Program (CCP) ensures that members remain current in their practice. The CCP requires members to engage in self-assessment and goal-setting on an annual basis to ensure that they continue to learn and develop as professionals throughout their careers. (more…)

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