Watch the College’s Largest Annual Event Online!

Breaking Down Barriers logo on computer screen

Every year the College hosts its Annual Meeting and Education Day (AMED), a full-day event exclusively for registered social workers and registered social service workers.

This year’s AMED was held on May 24, 2018, at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. The theme for AMED 2018 was Breaking Down Barriers.

Over 520 members attended in person, approximately 370 stakeholders viewed the live-streamed event from the College website and an additional 1,860 stakeholders participated via the College’s Facebook page.

AMED is an amazing learning opportunity not only for registered social workers and registered social service workers but for you, their employers, as well.

For those who were unable to join live, the following videos from AMED 2018 can now be viewed on the College website:

The College encourages employers to watch the videos and share them with their employees too.

We want your feedback for next year

Is there a social service worker or social worker you would like to see present a session at next year’s AMED? We’re interested in hearing from you! Send your AMED 2019 speaker suggestions to

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