Annual renewal of registration is now open. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by recent technical difficulties and thank you for your patience.
Please click here to renew your membership online.
Tax Receipts and Member Cards Now Available Online!
The College is pleased to inform members that tax receipts and member cards are now available online following payment of the 2016 annual renewal fee.
To access your tax receipt and member card, please follow the steps below:
- Login to your Online Member Services;
- Click on “Send My Receipt/Card” button located on the top of the online page;
- Select the home or business email address;
- Select the Membership Year; and
- Click on “Send My Receipt/Card” button at the bottom of the online page.
REMINDER: How to Renew Your Membership Online
Since 2009, the College has offered an online renewal of membership option. Not only is it fast, secure and easy, but it saves costs and is better for the environment. Please Note: the College will no longer be mailing hard copy renewal forms.
Follow these easy steps to renew your membership online:
1.To begin, go to the College website at:
2. Click on the pink “Membership Renewal 2016: Login to My Profile” button with the following icon:

3. Read the Terms and Conditions and proceed to the login page.
Please Note: In order to login, you will need your User ID (your OCSWSSW registration number) and your password. If you have forgotten your password, it may be retrieved by clicking on the “Forgot Your Password or User ID” link on the login page. Enter the email address you have provided to the College and an email with your password information will be sent to your inbox.
- Once you have successfully logged in, go to My Profile to make sure that your personal information is accurate and up to date.
- You may then click on the “Renewal Fee Payment” on the left-hand side of your screen and follow the instructions to complete the online renewal process.
If you have any questions or require further information, please refer to the Guide for Online Services here.